Monday, 28 March 2011

Day 42 (25)

I am able to feed most of them frozen bloodworms now, am cutting them into 3mm sizes then with plastic tongs put it towards their mouth, it looks like they can smell it as you can see the movement (interested movement) as soon as its near them, but not sure if they have noses so it could just be good eyesight.
I even left two small worms in tub overnight and they were gone in morning so they seem to be able to find dead non moving food, so again is it smell or sight?
They eat them in the same way my little frogs do too, they seem to do do everything the frogs do, eat food same way (just without using their feet), go to surface for air, do zen positions.
My biggest one is growing quick now, its getting real big, hard to believe only 3 weeks ago it was born. Its nearly 3.5 cm in size now.

The smaller ones still not intterested in the frozen stuff yet, they can only eat the BBS.


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